Our 12 Days of Christmas Sale Starts Today!
Our annual Christmas sale begins today and you will see discounts of up to 70% off on specific products.
From December 13th to 24th, we will reveal a new sale item each day. The sale lasts until Christmas or until we run out of stock for the product.
Visit the store or check on our website or Facebook page to see the deal of the day!
These deals are only available in store, so come on by the store at 1035 Coxwell Avenue in East York to start saving.
The 1st day of Christmas sale is 20% off Blue Dane Dog Treats!
Blue Dane is one of the first companies in Canada to offer a 100% whole meat Dog Jerky, locally sourced and naturally raised. They use the same meat you would feed your family with no meat blends or organs and all of their products are additive free with no nitrates, sulfites or other potentially harmful chemicals.
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